Social Emotional Support
Social Emotional Services Offered
Student Services personnel promote healthy social emotional development. They work in collaboration with students, parents and teachers to provide interventions directed at improving student performance. Services provided include assessment, individual counseling, group counseling and behavioral interventions. Psychologists and social workers have strong community connections with mental health agencies and can play an integral part in connecting students and families with mental health professionals tailored to the individual need of the student.
School Social Workers
The Crystal Lake South social workers are a key component of the Student Services Department Team and we have three social workers to help our students and their families. Most social work referrals result in short-term counseling that addresses barriers that interfere with students accessing their education. We see students up to five times/sessions and if long-term or more specialized treatment is needed, community resources are provided. Referrals to see a school social worker come from numerous sources, including counselors, nurse, deans, teachers, parents and students.
Our services include crisis intervention, individual and group counseling, special education IEP services, teaming and collaboration with teachers and administrators, assessments and teaching social/emotional lessons for all students at CLSHS. We also act as liaisons for families in need of community counseling and mental health services.
Quiet Spaces
As part of our efforts to combat anxiety and create a welcoming, comfortable school environment for every student, we have created two new quiet, calming spaces for students in the building. For those students who may be overwhelmed by the crowds and sounds of the lunch room, we have created an alternative space right beside the cafeteria. Students are welcome to eat in this location or study in it during commons study halls. We have also created a small quiet room in Student Services for students who may need a moment to decompress. Both of these spaces are not only designed to provide a safe space for those who need it, but they are also designed to help students cope with anxiety in healthy ways, enabling them to attend classes prepared to learn.
A program for freshmen who need extra support making the transition to high school due to social-emotional or executive functioning needs. LEAP courses include English, Biology, and Algebra as well as a small study hall for support. LEAP students also attend team building field trips in the fall and spring, and they are provided executive functioning lessons including RUSH curriculum within their LEAP study hall period.
Crystal Lake South places a social-emotional learning emphasis in our freshman seminar classes. Key topics include Digitial Citizenship, Healthy Relationships, Depression/Anxiety awareness, and an emphasis on our GATOR characteristics (Growth, Acceptance, Tenacity, Optimism, and Responsibility).
A more intensive support run by our Special Education program with support from our psychologist and social workers. Support is focused on developing emotional management and decision-making skills.
Skills Access
A more intensive support run by our Special Education program with support from our psychologist. Support is focused on developing social thinking, communication and regulation skills through a daily Access with weekly to bi-weekly skill building lessons.